ShareSave 2023 is now closed
How long will it take for my instruction to be processed?

How long will it take for my instruction to be processed?

We process Polish ShareSave instructions weekly, on a date we call the ‘allotment date’. To have your instruction processed on the next allotment date, you’ll need to submit it by 11pm on the cut-off date, which is usually three working days beforehand.

The cut-off dates and allotment dates for December 2023 are:

Cut-off date (11pm - UK time)12 December20 December29 December
Allotment date18 December27 December04 January
Shares in Share Plan Account / Sale proceeds sent to bank account20 December29 December08 January

From 2 January 2023, the cut-off date will be Friday at 11pm (UK time) and the allotment date will be Thursday each week (subject to bank holidays).

How long your instruction takes to be processed after the allotment date depends on what choice you have made.

  • If you choose to buy shares and keep them, they’ll usually be in your EquatePlus account within 2 working days.
  • If you choose to buy shares and sell all of them straight away, your money will be sent to you two days after you sell. Remember it can take up to 5 days for the money to reach your bank account (longer for international transactions) and during the festive season this can take longer than usual.
  • If you choose to take your savings back as cash, the money will usually be in your bank account 2-5 working days after you make your choice.