ShareSave 2023 is now closed
Do I need any permission or pre-approval to make my choice?

Do I need any permission or pre-approval to make my choice?

Buying shares: You don’t usually need permission or pre-approval to buy shares at the end of ShareSave, provided you don’t sell them straight away. If you’re an insider, you can’t do this in the 30 days before we announce annual or half-year results to the market.

Selling shares: Any share sales are subject to the Personal Account Dealing requirements.

If you’re an insider or work in a defined business area, you’ll need to get prior authorisation if you want to sell shares during an Open Window, and you’ll need to use the STAR compliance system which has replaced the PAD system.

Find out more about the Personal Account Dealing Requirements, Open Windows and the STAR compliance system on the Compliance & Conduct hub on the intranet.